Let us know if you have questions that are not here. We're happy to help you: LivingWisdomChurchCA@gmail.com

How do I find out about your ceremonies & events?

Please join our mailing list to receive announcements about our upcoming gatherings and to apply to attend our monthly Huachuma / San Pedro ceremonies.

How do I register for a ceremony or event?

As a member of our mailing list, you'll receive all you need to attend our monthly gatherings.

Do I have to have experience to join a Medicine Ceremony?

You do not need to have prior experience to participate in a Medicine Ceremony. If you are concerned about any medications or other contraindications, please check with your health care physician. You are also welcome to contact us with any specific questions or concerns: LivingWisdomChurchCA@gmail.com.

What are your ceremonies like?

Everyone who attends our ceremonies is encouraged to make an empowered decision about how much Medicine they receive. No one is required to ingest our Medicine ally. Some of our attendees choose to simply make a prayer with the Medicine without ingesting and have reported profound healing and shifts for the better. Some choose a homeopathic amount, some a low dose, and some ask for a larger dose. We honor your inner wisdom.

Our Medicine allies are capable of offering deep healing regardless of the amount of Medicine you ingest.

We have a round of Medicine and we make a prayer in our circle of sacred witnesses. Sometimes we partake of other shamanic medicines to help us clear our mind, open our inner vision, and clear our psychic field. There will be several group breaks throughout the day, and everyone is encouraged to honor and care for their personal needs (bathroom, drinking water, moving/stretching, and getting in a restful position).

Traditionally, we abstain from food. We find that fasting allows us to commune more deeply with and receive healing from our Medicine ally. However, if you require nourishment throughout the day because of your personal health needs, please come prepared with food and make your food consumption discrete so as not to distract others who are fasting.

Please avoid consulting your "smart devices" for the day. You will be able to more fully participate in our ceremony this way.

We offer a guided imagery and sound healing as well as time to go within and get personal healing and guidance from our Medicine ally.

Once we've had a chance to ground from our guided imagery, sound healing and personal inner work, we have a "Healing Round," where everyone has a chance to speak from the heart and get any help that is still needed to feel complete with your journey.

We complete with a Chanupa (Sacred Pipe) ritual and then move into our Wopila/potluck.

Please plan on staying in ceremony until we are complete. If you cannot stay for the full day, please plan on attending on a different day when you can stay from beginning to end. To assure the safety of our container, latecomers cannot be admitted. Leaving early is not advised as we are responsible for your well-being and cannot provide support if you leave the container.

You are welcome to continue to stay and connect until you are feeling grounded and able to return home, however, if you feel you will be unable to drive home, we ask that you make arrangements for a ride.

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