Belonging for Misfits

“You’re weird!”

That was probably the most common description I heard growing up, at school, at church, and at home.

What made me weird? On average, I was a good 6 inches taller than most of my classmates until I was put into a program that dropped me into high school after 6th grade. I looked more like a teacher than a student, and was giving spelling tests and reading stories to my class in elementary school.

But that was just on the outside.

Inside, I was having profound Samadhi experiences. Going into trance states where I would become one with everything – ecstatic and ineffable – I never even tried to talk about it because it just didn’t seem to belong to this world.

I didn’t seem to belong to this world.

At times I felt profoundly lucky. At times, my gifts were seen and celebrated.

At times I felt profoundly lonely, and the isolation along with well-meaning, but misunderstanding caretakers, led to mixed messages that left me feeling it might be easier to exit this human conundrum than struggle through its challenges.

Fortunately, I found my place in this world, and I love the unusual, the outspoken, the hard to describe and hard to contain. Even when it really rubs me the wrong way.

I became a champion of the misfits.

There’s no doubt that this influenced my drive to start a church created to celebrate differences, and provide a safe and sacred space for the misfits, the outcasts, the unusual folk to gather, pray, learn, heal, and grow together.

Can you relate?

Are you aching for a place where you can push the edges of your authentic self-expression until it is fully cultivated? Ready to feel belonging even if there is no one else quite like you? Can you stand in the paradox of being unique and feeling connected amongst a community of unique folks seeking their soul family?

If so, check out Living Wisdom. It was made just for you. (

And if the wounds of not belonging run deep, and you’re feeling isolation in the form of anxiety, depression, or even PTSD, let’s talk. I got over my identification with being an outcast, and it would delight me to help you find your place amongst true friends without compromising who you are deep down.

Or let’s schedule a call to explore what’s possible for you.

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