We’re not for everyone . . .

Nowadays, you can throw a rock and hit a psychedelic-assisted therapist, trip sitter, or some other person serving medicine as a healing modality. We’ve heard that all of the preparation requirement is a lot and has deterred some people from attending our ceremonies. GREAT! This medicine, excuse my language, is a big fucking deal, and we treat it that way.

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3 Reasons Your Psychedelic Experience is Not Strong

So, you’ve been wanting to have a big journey with psychedelics, but just haven’t been getting the “lift off” you’d hoped for? You’re not alone. Plenty of people experience “psychedelic tolerance.” Here are 3 of the most common and most fixable blocks to having a powerful psychedelic trip.

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Acacia vs. Ayahuasca: Similarities & Differences

You may have heard of Ayahuasca, but what about Acacia? Learn the difference through the 21 year journey of a sacred medicine facilitator

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