I went into deep prayer and meditation to ask how to come to terms with the position I was in. This is what came:
Nowadays, you can throw a rock and hit a psychedelic-assisted therapist, trip sitter, or some other person serving medicine as a healing modality. We’ve heard that all of the preparation requirement is a lot and has deterred some people from attending our ceremonies. GREAT! This medicine, excuse my language, is a big fucking deal, and we treat it that way.
So, you’ve been wanting to have a big journey with psychedelics, but just haven’t been getting the “lift off” you’d hoped for? You’re not alone. Plenty of people experience “psychedelic tolerance.” Here are 3 of the most common and most fixable blocks to having a powerful psychedelic trip.
You may have heard of Ayahuasca, but what about Acacia? Learn the difference through the 21 year journey of a sacred medicine facilitator
What is the Mother Wound, and How to Heal it?
The more reverence and respect you give to these plants and your own spiritual journey, the more profound (and safe) your experience will be.
“If you make small bundles of offerings to the Faeries, they will come back into your life just as they had been as a child.”