We’re not for everyone: Exceptional Ceremonies

One of the most common sentiments we hear from folks who come for private and group ceremonies with Living Wisdom: “I can just tell by your videos and preparation materials that you’re the real deal, and you truly know what you’re doing. I feel so safe and confident showing up to sit in ceremony with you!”

But our ceremonies are not for everybody.

Over the past ten years, the number of psychedelic facilitators has more than 10x’d in growth, and there are all sorts of experiences to be had.

We provide a unique, valuable and fairly scrupulous experience for those who value 1) the sacred nature of working with Entheogens (aka: psychedelics), and 2) are willing to put in the work to be educated and prepared for this life changing journey.

In 2014, while I was in the Amazon, Mama Ayahuasca said “Amanda, I’m a big fucking deal, but not many people have a clue how to truly prepare for their experience. Few people know how to engage with me during their journey, and then they go back to their lives and miss so much of what they prayed for.” She prompted me to start helping people to let her be the big deal she truly is.

And I’ve found that all of the medicines are, indeed, a big fucking deal, but we have such disconnected awareness, we don’t really let in the transformation that is actually available.

So, my little niche in this vast and rapidly expanding “industry” is that I am here to honor these medicines as the enormous deal they are, and to support those who have a feeling this is the case and want to show up with the reverence, respect, and personal preparedness necessary to get all of the gifts that these allies want to provide.

If you’d like to learn more about how we do it at Living Wisdom, check out https://InalienableSovereignty.com and click on any of the buttons. They’ll get you an autoresponse with all of the valuable basics we give our medicine community:

  1. An Essential Entheogen Guide that gives you tips on how to choose a great facilitator and tips for showing up like a pro before, during, and after your medicine ceremony.
  2. Information about how to apply for, register for, and prepare for a ceremony with us. 

There are “psychedelic facilitators” that will charge you for some of this information. We feel it is important for everyone to know (it’s “Open Source” for us).

So, don’t be in the dark. Get everything you need to have the best experience possible.

And as always, feel free to reach out. We have even more (FREE) resources available for you. LivingWisdomChurchCA@gmail.com.

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