Compassion & the Sacred Rebel

May 25th, 2020 by

Do you value compassion and still find yourself in a place of judgment and feeling like a victim or martyr? You’re not alone! Ironically, the path of compassion can lead to overwhelm if you are kind-hearted and not dialed in to a balanced way to embody it.

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Love in the Time of the Coronavirus

March 13th, 2020 by

It was really scary to trust this voice that said “Drop into meditation and prayer and move the way Source is guiding you. Do not move in the way of fear.” But I’m so glad I did!

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The Shadow Side of Leadership

January 14th, 2020 by

It may sound redundant to talk about the shadow side of leadership. We are witnessing it in living color 24/7.…

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Couple relationship upgrade
3 Simple Steps to Break Out of Relationshit Patterns

January 10th, 2020 by

So, how do you BREAK out of living in the stuck algorithm? Curiosity is a Superpower and big time secret weapon for hacking out of painful subconscious programs.

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